A different perspective on migration 

No Nation Fashion (NNF) is a celebration of cultures and a testament to the incredible potential of migration. Born in the heart of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), NNF is a collaborative effort between migrants and local designers, powered by the support of IOM - UN Migration.

Through NNF workshops in BiH and other activities, we've seen lives transformed, talents flourish, and new opportunities emerge. As we move forward, our vision is to make NNF a self-sustainable social business. We're not just about fashion; we're about creating a brighter future for everyone involved.

Together, we can rewrite the narrative of migration, turning it into a story of creativity, collaboration, and solidarity. By contributing, or simply spreading the word, you become a part of this beautiful journey of cultural celebration and empowerment.

Join us in making a difference today.


USD 50

Help us keep one NNF workshop open for an extra day, allowing migrants to have a safe space to learn and express their creativity and skills.

USD 100

Contribute to the purchase of materials and supplies for the production of NNF creations.

USD 1500

Keep one NNF workshop open for an entire month.

No nation fashion means fashion has no nationality, fashion is freedom, and you can do whatever you want and whatever you like. I had a lot of things on my mind and I was drawing before as well and designing clothes. We started with small parchments and made a pink dress and I still have the photo. Whatever comes to your mind, whether in design or in life general, just do it. Let yourself be free, as an Afghani woman I’m telling you that you can do anything you want. 

Behishta, woman from Afghanistan who participated in NNF workshops

No Nation Fashion Campaign 
Trying to make the world a bit more inclusive through fashion. 
This campaign was developed and produced by IOM 
For more information contact aospina@iom.int